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About Me

Hey, I am Akashdeep. I am a frontend web developer currently working for Devslane(ESCECION TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD.), India. I have a problem-solving mindset, and I am interested in Algorithms. I have good hands on experience with React.js, JavaScript and TypeScript and I am handy with frontend tools and technologies like HTML, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap, Ant Design and VCS( Version Control System) like Git. My current role requires writing reusable and clean code to develop and design a good user interface and experience. Responsibilities range from complete ownership of features, design, implementation and operations of these features and components. Passions of mine include Writing, working out, playing Chess and learning new things.

Image of a boy coding

skills animated image

My Skills

I mostly write scripts that could contribute in solving real-world problems, but like many developers, I sometimes write code just to learn from it and teach myself new technologies.

I have good hands on experience with React.js, JavaScript and TypeScript. I am handy with frontend technologies like HTML, CSS, SCSS and VCS( Version Control System)

I have a adaptive nature and have an experricence of working in different environments, I have keen interest in learning new things in field of development and have worked with various frameworks like ANT Design, Bootstrap, Material Design etc.

My Projects

animated image for projects


CodeShelf is a social development environment for front-end designers and developers. Build and deploy a website, show off and share your work with friends and colleagues.

Demo Link:  CodeShelf (React.js)
Repository Link:  Repository (under construction)


This is a website for an elite club, Technovation of Computer Science and Engineering Department in our college.

Link:  Technovation (HTML CSS & JS based)
Repository Link:  Repository (under construction)

Chat App

This is a realtime chat app based on socket.io and node.js. This is project I built while playing around with node.js

Repository Link:  Repository


YoutubeMate is a python based web crawler, which downloads N number of youtube videos based on topic suggested.

Repository Link:  Repository

Open Source Contributions


Fixed incorrect type definitions added new ones for some specs.

Package Link:  Package
Commit Link:  Commit


Bug fix added for a reported issue on ANT Design. Ant design uses rc-picker for Ant Date Picker.

Package Link:  Package
Commit Link:  Commit

Contact Me

Either way, if you want to say just hello or have an idea and want to collaborate and build some cool stuff, feel free to ping me up or let's grab a cup of coffee at some cool place.